Ultra-Web® Cartridge Filters Deliver 3x Longer Life on Herbal Powder
Case Study
Industry: Food Supplements
Problem: Changing filters too often….dust overwhelmed the commodity cellulose filter media in just one month.
Solution: Donaldson Torit® Ultra-Web® filters have maintained low ΔP for 3 months so far…and show no signs of plugging yet!
Making herbal powders and encapsulating them for the nutrition market creates dust in a broad range of sizes, from 40 mesh down to 0.2 micron. When the maintenance manager of a major herbal supplement maker in the western U.S. realized the filters in his 3 UAS (United Air Specialists) dust collectors were lasting only a month or less, he decided he needed to find a better filter.
This manufacturer runs 2 shifts, 5 days per week, and the dust from the encapsulating lines simply overwhelms the cellulose filter media in their collectors.
The maintenance manager turned to Donaldson Torit and tried the replacement filters with Ultra-Web fine fiber technology. He got what he was looking for: longer filter life…at least 3 times longer than the cellulose filters!
When used in self-cleaning dust collectors, Ultra-Web filter cartridges are periodically cleaned with a pulse of clean air. The surface loading characteristics of the fine fiber layer mean that much of the collected dust is removed easily and the ΔP across the filters is reduced to acceptable levels.
The company needed cartridge filters in two sizes – 26″ and 30″ long – designed to fit the UAS collectors. Donaldson Torit had them in stock and shipped them next day. Three months after installation, the maintenance manager reports, “The filters are still running strong and we don’t expect to change them anytime soon! They work great!”

Cartridge Filters
Choose cleaner air with Donaldson Torit® advanced-technology cartridge dust collectors filter media that conquer the challenges of most types of industrial dusts.

AST Canada has been helping clients find solutions for their unique Dust, Mist & Fume Collection needs for more than 40 years.
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