Whirl Wet Dust Collector
High Efficiency Dust Collection Systems with Low Maintenance & Operating Costs

Tri-Mer Whirl Wet Dust Collection System
How it Works
The Whirl Wet Dust Collection System works by infusing the dust particles with water. The unique process mixes the two through a fixed-position dual opposed blade system. Once the dust-laden airstream and liquid are mixed, a tangential airstream is injected through the lower blade assembly to increase turbulence.
After the rotation is accelerated, droplets in the airstream are processed through a mist eliminator located downstream, and particulate material is deposited on the bottom of the unit for recovery or disposal. Water level is maintained automatically and additional water is only needed to compensate for evaporation or sludge removal.

Low Water Use
The Whirl Wet Dust Collection System uses less water than any competitive dust collection system. The energy generated inside the unit will not allow the system to clog under any operating conditions, so the agglomeration and sticky residues that plug baghouses are not a problem with the Whirl / Wet.
Whirl / Wet operates in the 99% efficiency range for a wide variety of applications, and over a wide range of micron sizes.
Whirl Wet dust collection systems are effective for soluble and insoluble particles. Whirl Wet can be used in applications from metal grinding to food processing.
Whirl Wet is frequently specified for the collection of coal, aluminum, fertilizer and sugar dusts. It satisfies the dust elimination requirements of stone finishing and battery manufacturing. Whirl / Wet is ideal for controlling emissions from solar panel manufacturing. It is the leading dust collection system wherever there are variable dust loadings.
Recovery / Recycling
Whirl Wet is advantageous for materials recovery. Processes that were not formerly compatible with materials recovery become good candidates as a result of the Whirl / Wet.
Ask us about the Recovery options available for your specific application.

Tri-Mer Whirl Wet Dust Collection System
The Tri-Mer Whirl Wet Dust Collection System is a highly-efficient, low-maintenance, and low-cost-to-operate dust collection system that is useful for all dust particles over 3 microns. It is also very good at recycling and product recovery.