BOSS Products
Boss Products, was founded in 2012, with a singular vision to assemble a complete offering of integrated energy-saving fire and explosion protection solutions for industrial filtration and process industries. They are dedicated to ensuring the optimal design and product selection for every application.
BOSS Products Canada - Fire & Explosion Mitigation

Combustible Dust
Combustible dust is present in nearly every manufacturing and industrial processing facility across the globe — from aerospace and auto manufacturing to food processing, metalworking, tobacco, plastics, paper, rubber, textiles, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and even fossil fuel power generation. Whether we like to think about it or not, serious accidents can occur if a manufacturing facility is not safe. According to OSHA, the number of catastrophic fires and explosions caused by combustible dust has been significantly increasing. In the past 25 years, almost 300 accidents have injured or killed approximately 900 workers, in addition to destroying many industrial facilities.
Combustible dust fires and explosions are 100% manageable through proper mitigation and safety systems. Boss Products provides tailored fire and explosion mitigation solutions for manufacturing facilities to help you meet safety regulations and protect your entire investment.
Fire & Explosion Mitigation
AST Canada's Commitment to Industrial Safety
AST Canada is committed to helping our clients meet today’s strict NFPA regulatory guidelines governing the industrial sector in Canada. We provide a full range of fire and explosion mitigation solutions to address potential hazards in the industrial filtration and process industries along with decades of experience in the design, engineering, and installation of containment solutions for multi-application industrial dust collecting, bulk handling, and process systems. AST Canada is committed to industrial safety in Canada.
AST Canada is a leading supplier of
BOSS Fire & Explosion Mitigation
Solutions in Canada.
Industry Applications
- aerospace
- auto manufacturing
- food processing
- metalworking
- tobacco
- plastics
- pulp & paper
- rubber
- textiles
- pesticides
- pharmaceuticals
- fossil fuel power generation